Diagnosis and Suitability for Root Canal Therapy | Laguna Hills cA
Root Canal
June 26, 2019
If you’re in unbearable tooth pain, then you may need emergency dental treatment. There are many situations that may cause tooth pain, including:A damaged large or deep filling Tooth decay L...
5 Reasons to Choose Root Canal Therapy in Laguna Hill CA
Root Canal
June 16, 2019
The root canal system of a natural tooth extends from the tip of the tooth to end of the root, and contains the pulp, which is the soft tissue material comprising blood vessels and nerves, at the cent...
Why you need Root Canal?
By Dr. Stenger
May 4, 2018
Root canal helps preserve dead teeth through pulp removal and cleaning out of your tooth’sinternal canals. It is considered one of the few lasting solutions to serious tooth decay and thepain that com...